Tuesday, December 7, 2010

EOC-Standing Out In a Crowd

We have incorporated a dazzling presentation with a collaboration of all our creative design ideas. As a group we have come together and designed a space that will accommodate the modern bachelor and his every need. We have incorporated a stylish penthouse and thought of everything the modern bachelor would desire and the amenities that he would expect.
We plan to wow the client with a product that he will not be able to live without, selling him a lifestyle in a fabulous city.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

EOC Week 8-Challenges of Classroom vs Real World

The challenges that we are facing is the probability of missing a vital piece to the design or the client needs. There might be something that I need to include or may have overlooked which could cost our company money. In a similar project as the Interior Designer you must budget for all the different phases of the project from the beginning to end. The TBC is what to be done and how much it is to cost.
If the budget is really off such as not including the proper amount of construction cost or remodel the client may not expect to pay for something that they were not aware of. There could also be the cost of if you have agreed to be paid hourly or a set fee,  there could be times that unexpected time lines come into play and either could make more money on a project or lose money for mistakes that have occurred.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Week 6 EOC/Professional Sales Presentation

As a creative Interior Design firm we have the ability to design a space that will truly appeal to the modern bachelor pad. As we design the space and finalize the project a good idea would be to visit the the Veer Towers and film our own version of a virtual tour and let the client see a before and after of our space.  There are some clients that would benefit from visually seeing the actual finishes and design that we would apply in the space.
Also another idea would be to approach a local casino with marketing brochures on special event night such as UFC nights and try to market to our client. Today the modern bachelor attends those kind of sporting events and also many celebrities attend both local and out of town.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week 5/ Midterm

Kase Interiors: I feel that as a group did accomplish a tremendous amount of work that was expected for our project. We were given various expectations and duties that needed to be met and we did that.  We delegated tasks and each of us worked as a group to meet our goal.  We did come across a problem which was a better execution of our project, we need to identify “continuing growth of project scope” We all have the potential to give amazing presentations if we are clear “Define the specific activities that need to be performed for each work package in order to accomplish the project objective”-We are a talented group of individuals that can step up and deliver an amazing presentation.

4 Interior Design-they gave an amazing visual presentation and really marketed the project well. I had a clear understanding of their design direction and how they feel about the project. Their presentation was less words more pictures on how the project will move forward. In our project I think we needed to use more “System Design-several alternative conceptual designs that describe input, processing, output, hardware, software, and the database at a high level. Each of these is evaluated, and the best one is selected for further design and development” I feel that I am gaining a better understanding of what is expected!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Week 4 EOC/WOW

1. A billboard display on the 215 Highway on way to the Strip marketing our client and project
2. Present to Property Management companies about the project and let them know who you are marketing to.
3. When someone is looking for an Interior Designer on the web such as Google or Craigs list, Kase Interiors web site comes up and showcases Veer Tower Project.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week 3 EOC/Brilliant Idea

1. Send a mass email to all the Real-estate agents in town that sell high end homes and condos.
2. Advertize in local magazines- Selling the project, with all the amenities budget, and design
3. Talk to local valet services, concierge and other high end industry to people and inform them about the project and the client we are trying to target.
4. Inform hotel executives and hand out brochures about the project and client
5. Television advertisement about Veer Towers targeted as the ultimate bachelor pad.
4. Radio advertisement  on local channels and nation wide.
5. Happy Hour at Mandrin Bar for CEO's and Presidents of local companies to give a presentation for the design of  the Veer Tower bachelor pad.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week 2/EOC Agenda

1.       Name of the company-Anna*
2.       Design business cards-Anna*
3.       Assign titles-Stephanie*
4.       Picture of Veer inside and out-Anna & Steph
5.       Modern furniture-Anna*
6.       Floor plan-Evelyn*
7.       Get plans –Evelyn*
8.       Call for a tour-Evelyn
9.       Manly color pallet-krystle*
10.   Questionnaire ‘”what do men want if they had their own condo?”-Anna*
11.   Pitch-Evelyn*
12.   Who is going to buy this? Identity target consumer-Evelyn*
13.   Budget-All
14.   Website; blog-Krystle*
15.   Gmail account for company-Stephanie
16.   Design-All
17.   Prepare report on the company- Evelyn
18.   Schedule approach-Krystle
19.   List of amenities on the strip-Stephanie*
20.   Transportation-Stephanie*
21.   Condominium amenities-Stephanie*
22.   Business statement-Krystle
23.   Business logo-Anna
24.   List of question for trip-Krystle
25.   Marketing packet (brochure etc..)-Steph

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Project Management Institute

PMI-Project Management Institute is a useful tool to utilize regardless of the field that you are in. As a member it is valuable to help you with your organizational skills as well as how to get the most out of your performance. The execution of projects is very important when meeting with clients and PMI makes sure that proper results are delivered, sometimes this can be the difference of another company being granted the job over yours. PMI seems to help clients not only with execution but also with being a better communicator. Communication is a key factor in design; you must to able to clearly give your clients your ideas and vision. In addition PMI helps with talent Management; this means you may have hired the most qualified people in the field but you need to learn how to help them succeed and realize their strengths and weaknesses. Fundamentally, we all want to be successful in our careers, and PMI will help you develop your skills to become a leader in your industry and develop a good foundation to have the ability to shine.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Voice

I feel that I am following my passion in life by doing something I truly enjoy which is Interior Design. I have always been a creative and visual person, and I believe that I have made the right choice by making the world a nicer place to live in aesthetically speaking. I came to Las Vegas to work alongside a talented interior designer named Charles Gruwell; we specialized in boutique hotels and high end residential projects. In addition, I also worked for Ward & Howes and Associates specializing in hospitality and commercial design; my experience in the field has giving me a broad understanding of both residential and commercial projects. I am also I first generation Italian who travels to Italy frequently to visit my family, having traveled throughout Europe, I have developed a passion and understanding for both architecture and fine art.